DFocus wanted ssp solution - javascript-client

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DFocus wanted ssp solution - javascript-client. It must be work with the specific Backend(TBD) is made for domain specific business scenarios. It consists of following features:

  • re-connect
  • authentication via token
  • project based, let's say you are working on a SaaS platform, several projects may subscribe topics individually
  • easy to distinguish events from topics
  • no need to worry about re-subscribe process whenever re-connect triggered


Currently, you can only use from the source, just copy dist folder into your repo.


import { SocketIoClientBiz } from ''

const bizClient = new SocketIoClientBiz({
  base: '',
  token: 'your token for authentication',
  projectId: 'project you are going to watch',
  // set to false to disable reconnect feature
  reconnect: {
    reconnection: true,
    reconnectionDelay: 20000

// watch every connection state change
bizClient.onStateChange(state => {
  if (err) {
    console.log(`Failed to connect`, err)

// watch for specific event along with its topic
bizClient.subscribe('spaces', 'SPACE_ADDED', (message: EventMessage) => {

// connect
bizClient.connect(err => {
  if (err) {
    console.log(`Failed to connect`, err)


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